Project organizers are committed to more in 2014:
"There's no comparison between having a place to go at night, and close the door, and sleep comfortably, and not freeze to death or have your possessions stolen. There's no substitute for that” says Luca Clemente, one of the project organizers.More from NBC15 in Madison:Occupy Madison hopes to complete 10 tiny homes by the end of 2014.
The Wisconsin State Journal reports the first tenants are moving in Tuesday. The first two houses were built this summer thanks to more than 50 volunteers.City ordinance allows the houses to be parked on the street as long as they're moved every 48 hours.
Bruce Wallbaum, project organizer for Occupy Madison, and other organizers are working with area churches to allow the houses to park up to three in each lot.
Eventually the organization hopes to buy land and create a village of up to 30 of the houses.
You can see video of the new houses and the soon-to-be residents here.